Position Summary: The University of Minnesota invites applications to fill a Postdoctoral Researcher position to analyze the environmental quality impacts of Kernza®, a newly developed perennial grain crop. This two-year position will be associated will be based at the University of Minnesota Saint Paul campus. The position will focus on analyzing and synthesizing data from two experiments conducted at six field sites across the US as part of the USDA Sustainable Agricultural Systems Kernza Coordinated Agricultural Project (KernzaCAP). Some fieldwork, lab analysis and travel will be required and therefore at least some in person work is required, while remote work for the remainder of the position will also be acceptable. This Postdoctoral Researcher will lead the development of multiple peer-reviewed manuscripts and participate as co-author on others pertaining to field experiments and other studies associated with KernzaCAP. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate in field days and other outreach events for growers and the public at large. They will also help coordinate and/or participate in scientific meetings or special sessions of meetings focused on Kernza.
Job Duties: 35% - Statistical analysis of data to determine the environmental quality impacts of Kernza production 35% - Writing peer-reviewed journal articles to report the results of statistical analyses. 10% - Collaborator on data curation and analysis of other datasets associated with the KernzaCAP project, including participation as co-author on other manuscripts. 10% - Assisting with field sampling to measure indicators of soil health in the final year of a four-year field trial. 10% - Assisting with laboratory-based evaluations of physiochemical and biological soil health indicators.
To Apply: Please submit current curriculum vitae and letter of interest describing background, research interests, ability to achieve the described responsibilities by clicking apply below. Candidate review will begin on January 22, 2025.
Required Qualifications: Ph.D. in ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, agronomy, or related field. Individual may be immediate post-degree or returning for additional training, updating, and/or retooling. Limited to fields for which post-degree training is necessary for career entry.
Preferred Qualifications: Expertise in statistical analyses including R. Preference will be given to candidates with modeling experience in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, as well as experience analyzing and creating publications from large data sets.
The University of Minnesota, founded in the belief that all people are enriched by understanding, is dedicated to the advancement of learning and the search for truth; to the sharing of this knowledge through education for a diverse community; and to the application of this knowledge to benefit the people of the state, the nation, and the world.